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Write in Kin & Ring it in

Whoever takes the White House in 2024 will be there to ring in Americaā€™s 250th Birthday which falls in midterms, 2026. My only question is ā€œwhat are we gonna be celebrating!?ā€ Cā€™mon visualize it with me.. right down to the frosting.Ā WE WISH AND WE WILLĀ the future into existence.Ā  Or are we just gonna snuff out the bunsen burners of the American Experiment after a quarter millennium? Nope, not if youĀ Write in Kin for President of the United States of America in 2024 – the only Millennial with the shear moxie, grit and ingenuity to get us out of this jam and into the lives we were destined for.


Sell the World.. Peace

The most disruptive technology is peace. After all, we spend 1/3 of all our resources on defense, largely the implements of murder when the primary theatre of war is on the web in the form of pysops and cyber-physical attacks on our infrastructure, unravelling us from within. We can still flex on 1/5th of that spend AND usher in an era of unbridled prosperity. Kin happens to know the 3-keys to world peace:Ā 

Bridge the Great Big Misunderstanding

What if it was all just a big misunderstanding? Like a really BIG one (albeit subtle). Quite the understatement you might say, in light of all human pain, warfare, fear and uncertainty.Ā  Build a wall?Ā We need a bridge, to Bridge THE Great BIG Misunderstanding.

Access to Hard Money You Make in Your Sleep

Countries are racing to de-dollarize and if we want to remain relevant on the world stage AND thrive at home we need money that doesn’t rot with inflation. The Digital Gold Standard under the Honest Abe Act will undue the wrongs of Richard “Tricky Dicky” Nixon.

Enable Autonomy in Every Sense Imaginable

We are not subjects, we are sovereign and free individuals and our relationship with the nation state has become toxic. We will set new boundaries, open up new markets, clearing the thoroughfares for dCommerce, a radical new vision for supercharging the economy.


An Independent & An Original. Name's Kin.

I legally changed my name Kin, just Kin – think Cher or Prince – no last name, for this express purpose to win on the write in. Just write Kin on the ballot. And if my name ain’t Garett Thomas Laugavitz Paine, you’re gonna see some common sense action outta Washington when I’m posted up, with rather uncommon ingenuity to boot. Who am I..?

Deep down I'm a poet/artist but a product guy by trade, oddly fit to heal our nation.

You don’t need another billionaire in office, you want a poet-skater-marketer-tenor millennial with audacity,Ā  someone who can get everyone singing Happy Birthday in tune.

Since I'm apparently a politician now, here's two truths and an obligatory lie.

I once gave soup to the Soup Nazi (Seinfeld), won a staring contest with a leopard deep in the bush of Botswana and can blow spit bubbles and catch them. OK, the lie is they’re all true.

I make a mean gumbo.. and ya know, gumbo tells a great story.. about America.

I’m holding gumbo nights around the country as I walk for office on foot, train and scooter. We’re gonna restore civility over a meal and make the greatest gumbo ever told.Ā 

Trump once yelled at me.. to take HIS picture! The vanity. Funny story & true.

Not that I’m salty or nothing. Don’t worry Donald, when you lose I’ll pardon you..oh in exile to your idyllic golf course in Scotland, Napoleon style. You fought hard, why not retire?

I used to sell trash cans.

My marketing work sold $8,000 trash cans to Donald Trump, and I don’t even believe in garbage. All I see are resources. They were outdoor furnishings for his golf courses made of recycled milk jugs. I will turn trash into treasure, trap carbon emissions and ween us off this disposable lifestyle.

Then I sold doors.

Now I sell them door to door, as shear opportunity. Was marketing manager of a millwork distributor in Milwaukee where I helped build a configurator capable of 50,000 perumutations of doors. There’s some serious “inside baseball” with doors. I know doors and yes I’m the one who knocks.Ā Ā 


This is gonna be fun

Build the S.T.E.A.M. Engine & Pioneer "School Work"

Imagine if teachers didn’t have to do 3 jobs: curriculum, teaching and grading but could focus on teaching. We will build a wiki-curriculum, an open source repository of teaching guides and tools that can be adapted and influenced by parents as well. We have the technology to partly automate grading now as well freeing up their precious time for “meeting students where they’re at” and finding ways to stoke their imaginations around what already interests them. Finally, education at large needs to take a page out of the startup playbook and think MVP – minimum viable products. We will enable ways to apply weekly and monthly assignments into paid work, “School Work” effectively paying kids to learn and adding to the GDP rather than costing more money. Money doesn’t solve problems, industry does.

Take Back the Inbox, Supercharge the Economy

The USPS falls under the auspices of the Executive Branch hence my first executive order: dMail, a digital-physical postal service that will solve the “tragedy of the commons” problem of SPAM email while 10x’ing value for recipients. ‘Free’ was the fatal flaw of email. dMail imposes digital postage on commercial senders while giving consumers the option to have documents printed and shipped on-demand, same-day or even on the hour. dMail is the backbone of a radical new vision I call dCommerce. With trusted printing and decentralizing the mail, we could cut carbon emissions dramatically. We aren’t automating away jobs either. The USPS will go from the 3rd largest employer to the 1st in a gig economy fashion that protects workers and supercharges the economy.Ā 

Media Broke? Call Kin! Reinvent the N.E.W.S.

Media broke? 24-hour news cycle got you spinning? Call Kin at Kin’s TV & Repair! Introducing the 72-hour news cycle, a collection of observations from journalists and citizen science journalists from a new “town square” saved to the record every 3 days. Stop breaking news, “commit news” to the blockchain. The victors can no longer re-write history to their liking. The information superhighway.. ahh “we paved paradise, put a paywall block.” Kin can fix the underlying business model of journalism and build a veracity gauge so you won’t have to trust what politicians say, you can verify it. Think of it as bullshit smellivision. Lastly, any 1-way directional media outlet runs the risk of devolving into propaganda. We’ll make it so you can yell at your TV and have it matter. When reality’s at stake, Call Kin at Kin’s TV & Repair.Ā 

ā€Ž ā€Ž I'm over 35..

ā€Ž ā€Ž ā€Ž ā€Ž Can I drive? Let a millennial take the wheel.


It's a fixer upper

Pass the "GET OUR ACT TOGETHER" Act.. Together

Currently, lawmaking is a meat grinder in a dimly lit storeroom with a rodent problem.

Kin’s policy, the GET OUR ACT TOGETHER ACT will create a seamless version control system for new bills with responsive “compressable text” and audio snippets for lawmakers to actually digest what they’re signing into law. No more reams of paper for Senators to “cram” like it’s the night before semester finals.

"Get the 'F' Out of the FDA" & Get Lifesaving Drugs Right

The FDA didnā€™t even get bottled water right. Great, there’s microplastics in all of us, bravo boys. Did you know the FDA regulates cheese pizza but not pepperoni? Howsa bout we move the F to the end of the USDA to make it US Department of Awesome Food (USDAF). The NEW Smart Drug Administration will safely streamline lifesaving therapies as the status quo bureaucracy is killing people with inaction. This is a time to focus.

Honestly Abe? It cost 2.7 Cents to Make a Penny?

Who’s minding the store here? The Treasury has no plans of fixing the penny problem. They have no real ideas at all. I have a plan to save Honest Abe while halting minting at a loss. We’ll fix money from the ground up too so the fruits of your labor don’t erode with inflation. Imagine a programmable penny you top up beyond it’s 1-cent fiat value to $0.99 with penny smusher souvenier presses at post offices pressing in a smart chip to upgrade the penny.


Reclaim your eyeballs

From tracking cookies to baking M.U.F.F.I.N.S.

Reagan said, ā€œItā€™s the economy stupidā€ and here today in the information age ā€œitā€™s the data dummy.ā€ Seven years ago the Economist magazine declared “Data is the New Oil” yet we give it away wholesale to Big Tech. Weā€™re going from tracking Cookies to Baking M.U.F.F.I.N.S. which are Monetized User-Focused Feedback Information Systems that users get paid for if they decide to sell their data, helping marketers help themselves by capturing their valuable input alongside behaviors to improve their products and services.

The Town Square in the Sky

In order to “Bridge the Great Big Misunderstanding” here at home we need to approach the anti-trust situation with Big Tech in a nuanced way that effectively nationalizes parts of Facebook and Twitter (X) in order to break down the walled gardens and create a public town square to nurture civic life, celebrate life in America. Together with dMail, we can use trust-enhancing technology called “attestation” to capture the validity of things and mitigate the disinformation and sew harmony over dischord.Ā 

ā€Ž ā€Ž Walk with Me

ā€Ž ā€Ž ā€Ž We stand at the turning point, not the precipice.
ā€Ž ā€Ž ā€Ž I see abundance just ahead.

The Things I've Seen

My life experience and perspective as a young American uniquely prepares me for the challenges ahead.


The "Y2K Bug" is imminent

What a joke. The clocks rolling over into the new millennium would wreak havoc? Hey uh, I found the bug.. it’s that our time and earning potential in linearly fixed. Wages without merit pay is slavery.


September 11th attacks

I look up from my Nokia phone to see the twin towers collapsing in citizenship class. I justĀ beat snake.. bricked out every pixel on the screen, ate the last apple. You know what happens when you “win” in Snake? You eat your ass and you die. We’re still playing snake.


Housing Collapse, Great Recession

Finished an associates degree before my undergrad and upon graduation the bottom falls out. I was lucky to land a job in marketing as many of my peers could not given the state of the economy. The banker execs proceed to hand themselves bonuses for a job well down. Hence my vendetta with traditional finance and why I’m a web3 revolutionary.


Satoshi Nakamoto Invents Bitcoin

Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous person or persons, inscribed into the first block of the Bitcoin Blockchain “Chancellor on the brink of 2nd bailout of banks.” A message now enshrined in what is in essence digital marble, the most durable, censorship resistant database ever devised along with the hardest money ever conceived.


Donald J. Trump is Elected

I’m abroad gallivanting around Southeast Asia for 9 months and toward the end, witness the rise of Trump demonstrating that yes, anyone can in fact become president regardless of direct experience with in politics. He proceeds to shake our institutions to their core, yet we withstood it.Ā 


Google Invents the Transformer

A paper put forth by the Google Brain team titled “Attention is All You Need,” gave way to Transformers. These were later extended by OpenAI and others into GPTs which, with audio dictation allow access to man’s greatest store of knowledge, the web, without even having the ability to read or write with voice dictation. We stand on the shoulders of giants.